Wordpress the magic behind a blog
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Blend Theme
By: Maxwell
You may think that your home computer internet network is as safe as a “bug in a rug”. After all your Linksys or D-Link brand or another popular brand offers state of the art security features. Perhaps you have the standard WEP 64, or the “safe as the banks “WEP 128 encryption format. Perhaps you have even gone one step further to the ultra newer safe WPA router data security formats or even to greater security heights.
Your computer network is ultra secure. Or so you think and have beer reassured. Perhaps you have even had a “computer security professional “do the setup and maintenance,
And yet your personal data or banking information may be stolen. Your children may be directed to “bad “internet sites or worse. Your windows security updates may be compromised leaving your computer and network open to wide and wider scale attacks on your computer. Your confidential passwords – whether they are for email, medical, airline or even banking may be compromised or stolen. Finally your computer may be utilized as a “zombie” in large scale denial of service attacks on the internet. Your computer and many thousands of other may be set, waiting patiently for long periods of time, to be activated as a sleeper agent. Which along with many thousand of other remote computers are set on secret activation to altogether overwhelm some target whether it be government computers, the CNN online news network or whatever?
How are all of these threats possible? Computer security is always a case of cat and mouse with human ingenuity always at the root of the game. The hackers do this,
The computer security network react to fix the security hole it issue – whether it be Microsoft, Apple Computer or the Computer Hardware of Computer Hardware accessories manufacturers . And then the computer hackers think of an alternate means of attack.
In this case, even though it apparently seems that even though your wireless or simple cabled non wireless computer network has another gaping security hole. Home routers are at risk of being compromised by remote hackers. As a result of innocently or inadvertently visiting web pages malicious standard java script type software can access the controls of your home router and reset the controls inside the router to cause you big trouble.
Your router can be set to visit certain sites instead of where you wish to go. This may be simply to redirect you to sites containing advertising of the villain’s daily choice. You may be taken inadvertently to websites which in a flash download further viscous and mean software, on a regular basis. Or even worse you may be taken to fake sites which are not what they represent. For example you may well type in the bank of America bankofamerica.com website. You may even have searched the name by Google. You will think you are being directed to this banking website where you enter your account name and password only to discover you cannot access your account because you are a bogus copy of the front page of that website whose purpose is to steal your banking account and passwords.
The answer to this security problem is simple. Simply change the administration password in your router from the default out of the box, out of the manual and factory to anything else.
As a result the malicious java script will not be able to unlock and enter your router and do its damage. The simple answer to these router security issues and securing your router firmly is to easily and simply change the administration password on your router – whether it is wireless or a wired router. Now your home computer network and router will be safe from this threat.
http://www.articlecache.com -- Article Directory | Free Content
Author Resource:-> Max A. Rubin
By: Allan Ampoloquio
Understanding wireless and wireless LAN networking enable you to properly plan and design the effective deployment of wireless networks be it home-networking or using outdoor long-range WLAN for rural internet connectivity.
Wireless networking allows computers and peripherals to communicate using radio frequency (RF) transmissions rather than over conventional network cabling. Using wireless Ethernet adaptors, any device capable of being used on a regular computer network can be accessed over a wireless connection for task ranging from file and printer sharing to multimedia and internet access.
Wireless Ethernet Technology is outlined by a set of standards called IEEE 802.11. Although other wireless technologies and protocols exist, the term wireless is generally used in reference to the IEEE 802.11 standards.
The communication protocols for wireless networking are defined by the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 standard, which incorporates the 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g protocols (although other standards are in progress). The most widely used of these is 802.11b (Wireless-B), which is more reliable than the faster 802.11a (Wireless-A) standard, and is more cost-effective to produce and operate as well. Wireless-G or 802.11g, is a newer protocol that is becoming more widely adopted by vendors as it is capable of speeds up to 54Mbps rather than the 11Mbps of 802.11b devices.
It is no longer rare to find devices that support all three standards, but generally, Wireless-G is designed to be backwards compatible with Wireless-B devices. Thus Wireless-B and Wireless-A devices will not work with each other, and neither are they compatible with Wireless-G devices.
Some manufacturers offer models with dual-band (Wireless A & G/B) auto-switch mode for greater communication flexibility. Network planners can plan their network deployment by using a combination of Wireless-B,G or A.
Wireless 802.11 standard utilizes the license-free radio frequency bands around the 2.4GHz and/or 5GHz ranges. The 802.11b and 802.11g protocols use the 2.4GHz band whereas 802.11a uses the 5GHz band. Wireless-B is by far the most popular standard, with the newer Wireless-G (802.11g) and Wireless-A (802.11a) closing in fast.
Wi-FI or Wireless Fidelity is a certification program established by the Wi-Fi Alliance to ensure interoperability of wireless devices. Originally, the term Wi-Fi was intended to be interchangeable with 802.11b, but more recently it has broadened to cover any 802.11 network.
WLAN or Wireless Local Area Network, is a computer network –or part thereof- that incorporates wireless devices. In a WLAN network, a conventional LAN set-up can be extended to include wireless devices using an access point. Although wireless networks can be completely independent of conventional network, WLAN usually forms part of an existing wired network.
Wireless Transmission ranges vary greatly and lowering the bandwidth will increase the coverage area, a standard 802.11b or 802.11g device will typically have a range of about 30m indoor and up to 120m line-of-sight outdoors. The main reason for the variance between indoors and line-of-sight coverage is that walls and other objects do impede the wireless signal. Because wireless transmissions are actually low frequency radio waves, they will pass through walls and other solid matter relatively easy. As distance increases, the throughput decreases. This is because lower signal strength result in dropped packets and result in a general decrease in network efficiency.
Understanding the technology in wireless and wireless LAN/WAN networking allows the planner the flexibility of using wired and wireless networks. There are areas that wired networks can not go owing to distance, terrain or topography thus if the planner has knowledge on wireless LAN networking, the simpler, faster and easy it is to deploy an effective wireless network.
Understanding how wireless LAN works will also help you plan deployment of a rural wireless internet access service. Wireless LAN is a very cost-effective solution for much needed internet connectivity requirements in far, remote villages. WISP is a good and potential business in remote areas.
Either you use commercial "off-the-shelf" WLAN gadget, tweak and improve its performance by using higher-gain outdoor antenna or buy a true-outdoor long-range Wireless LAN. For assured network performance, service-quality and less network downtime, we recommend using the latter.
The goal is to reach people yearning to start their own home-based business even in remote regions thru cost-effective internet business and long-range wireless communication solutions.
http://www.articlecache.com -- Article Directory | Free Content
Author Resource:-> The author, Allan Amps is from the Telecom industry and has passion and interest in rural, remote internet connectivity solutions, wireless gadgets and internet home-based business.
He recently established a website http://-www.Tech-Ware-Tips-Startup-Internet-Business.com and http://www.Tech-Ware-Mart.com
Workflow Foundation is a new workflow engine from Microsoft. Microsoft is embedding Worfklow Foundation in many of its products like Office 2007, Windows Vista and soon Biztalk itself.
Here is a nice videos on workflow foundation.
Scott Woodgate and team - Announcing Windows Workflow Foundation
Windows Workflow Foundation Core Concepts
Interview with Matt Winkler from WF Team
Work Flow Foundation Hello World
Work Flow Foundation Exception
Windows Workflow Foundation: Passing Parameters to Workflows
Microsoft Word 2007 have a new nice feature to publish your article to your blogs within word.
Now you can write your article in word 2007 and format it as you already familiar with word and then publish your post to the blog site.
it supports:
Recently i have been into blogging and i started to play around with blogger templates to achieve the look i want. i found this is somehow tricky for some people after i saw a lot of posts around.
Today i will write about adding additional side bar to your blog and make them on the outer sides of the page.
first lets look at what we need in the template:
This is the CSS part that we will need to change in it
/* Outer-Wrapper
----------------------------------------------- */
#outer-wrapper {
width: 660px;
margin:0 auto;
font: $bodyfont;
#main-wrapper {
width: 410px;
float: left;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;
float: left;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */
#outer-wrapper : is the main holding container that hold all the elements inside our blog
its width is 660px and float to left
#main-wrapper: hold the blog posts, its width is 410px
#sidebar-wrapper: hold the side element which we need to add another one of it,its width is 220px
so 410+220 =630 + 20px (for padding) =650px
to add another side bar we have to get it space to live in.
here it is we have to modify #outer-wrapper to width :860
then lets add another CSS element
#sidebar-wrapper-left {
width: 220px;
float: left;
break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */
overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */ }
now we can add the new side bar Div in the body section :
<-div id='sidebar-wrapper-left'>
<-b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
All of us developers or technical pepole need to debug applications and solve some sort of production problems. also we need to understand why runtime crash may happend and how memroy problems happend and how the CLR manage memory at runtime.
one resource that helped me alot in undrstanding all of these aspect is the pattern and practice article Production Debugging for .NET Framework Applications
you can find it in the msdn here http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms954594.aspx